Scandal: US ambassador lied about Hungary, but does not apologize
The United States ambassador to the United Nations talked about anti-Jewish vandalism in Hungary committed last week. That accusation was utterly false. Though the Hungarian Foreign Ministry believes the USA owes an apology. But Washington remained silent. Below you may read what happened.
Last weekend, a summit was held at the UN headquarters in New York about the global efforts to contain antisemitism. The host was Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States ambassador to the United Nations. She started her speech with Hungary, saying that a Holocaust memorial was vandalised in Hungary the previous week. Then she highlighted that anti-Jewish hatred was widespread, and some political leaders even use it online and offline.
A Hungarian delegation took part in the meeting, but the American host did not allow them to speak. As a result, after the session, the Hungarian diplomats asked Linda Thomas-Greenfield what she referred to in her speech. Behind closed doors, the Americans admitted they committed a mistake and that the incident they mentioned, happened in Sweden. However, despite the Hungarian embassy’s notice, the USA did not publicly correct their mistake. Based on a document acquired, American diplomacy seems to regard it as a closed case. They crossed the line referring to Hungary in the official minutes, and that’s all.
Máté Paczolay, the spokesperson of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, said that a public correction and apology would be a minimum in such a revolting issue. Based on their information, the speechwriter committed the mistake. If there was no purposefulness, it is incomprehensible why the Americans do not issue an official statement.
Earlier, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó, and the American Ambassador in Budapest, David Pressman, had a dispute. Pressman said the Hungarian government spoke about peace but supported the Russian stance regarding Ukraine. Furthermore, the government protects Russian oligarchs, which is not in the interest of Hungary. Szijjártó replied that the American ambassador’s views on Hungary’s domestic policies were irrelevant because the country was a sovereign state.
- Read also: Diplomatic conflict between the USA and Hungary worsened: Orbán helps Putin redraw Europe’s map?
If Hungary’s government was a cookie-cutter leftist-globalist nonentity, we all know that our ol’ Linda there would never, ever have made the statement she did. Nor would Hungary be raked over the coals every which way by the E.U., U.N., dozens of N.G.O.s for things other countries get a free pass on. Give me a break. As a Jew, Hungary is one of the safest, most carefree places in Europe, and the world, I’m able to feel.
Mr Steiner, said everything you want to know including the key players.
I do not think that any educated Hungarian can possibly deny that most Hungarians are strongly anti-semitic. Some of most common negative comments one hears in Hungary, referred to something or someone, is:”of course, it is because of the Jewish” or ” of course, he is Jewish”.
Not to speak of the several anti-semitic writers given national awards by Orbán& recent years.
The Hungarian government’s UN representative needs to correct the record by publicly calling the US UN representative a liar.
Looked at the Transportation Secretary and many others, there is not a smart, competent person among the Biden appointees. Linda Thomas-Greenfield was appointed to the UN not because of her ability but because of her color. Any young Hungarian can tell the difference between Sweden and Hungary. It is incredible how often American Representatives appointed by the Biden Administration reveal their utter stupidity.
There are many, many brilliant Americans, unfortunately, they support the Republican Party.
That American Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, should fail to apologize for a remark that is false – which she acknowledged to be false – is simply unprofessional and irresponsible. That in not the purpose of an ambassador or the way ambassadors are commissioned to serve. She insults her own country never mind the country she has wrongly maligned (Hungary). But I will tell you something, as a Canadian I watch American News quite a lot. I wager that not too many discerning news watchers, Canadian or American, believe half of what comes from Biden administration politicians
Both the UN and the EU are headed tothe new world and the US is to a New nut case. She has her position because she is black be cause 90% of all violent crime in the home of the UN is black -6% Hispanic and 3% white and 1% Asian. This woman would deny that is the case and insist the cops are killing blacks for fun like most of the media. The numbers have remained the same for the last 50 years. 2021 we saw a major increase in crime many US cities with NY with the largest Jewish pop outside Israel is one of the worst and has about the same pop as Hungary.